Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Goats really enjoy entertaining people.
Take for example, Nabisco Dakid.

This goat loves making videos. He loves getting into costumes. He loves all the attention.
And most of all he loves acting. Of course the fame associated with You Tube views is great too.

As you might imagine, Nabisco has been acting for some time. 
He has been in several videos produced by IdiotBoi Productions.

They have been making their own Superbowl halftime show for 10 years now.
By far the most popular video is the SuperGoat video.

This was the big break Nabisco was looking for.
Now he is internationally famous for his videos.
Which is ironic because his first video highlighted his international fame.

And of course his throw back video to the 1970's

Of course, he likes to make videos of his everyday ordinary activities as well.

So don't forget how entertaining Goats can be.
And keep on a lookout for Nabisco's next big video!